What will offices and office work look like in 2030? What will be more important then, what less? Together with other renowned experts, we formulate answers to these questions in the new anthology “Office Pioneers: Outlooks on the Office 2030”. The book is a current barometer of mood and is also intended to be a helpful compass for the future. The authors include prominent figures from science and business, architecture and design, and other fields.
Today more than ever, the question of the future of offices and office work arises. After lockdown and home office, new work models are being discussed. Our contribution to the debates highlighted in the book takes a look at office planning as a holistic task. With projects such as the award-winning office landscapes for Deutsche Wohnwerte or the TWT Digital Group, we are constantly involved with forward-looking office concepts. In this context, we have long since stopped talking about workplaces and started talking about places of work. For us, the key to successful planning is asking the right questions. In exchange with the respective client, every project is therefore always an exciting new challenge for us.
Office Pioneers
Outlook on the Office 2030
Volume 2, Prima Vier Publishing House
Robert Nehring (Ed.)
ISBN 978-3-00-069534-6