With increasingly complex data models, we can design and optimize planning processes more precisely. In addition, we can always convey the quality of a project more vividly. On the other hand, this means that we are in a very concrete planning stage at a very early stage. In the following short interview, we describe what advancing digitization means for us:
Does the advancing digitalization change your work as interior designers? If so, with what effects?
The way interior designers work is changing and evolving. Today, work can take place partly independent of location, which makes planning processes more flexible and efficient. At the same time, the speed of transformation is increasing enormously. The exchange of information and data is possible from anywhere and in real time. This brings decisive advantages for cooperation with specialist planners. With increasingly complex data models, planning processes can be designed and optimized more precisely. Sources of error are thus detected and avoided at an early stage. Components such as lighting or materials can also be included much earlier in the project design and can be changed more easily with a click.
What relevance does social media have for your communication and self-presentation? What opportunities do you associate with it?
The most important medium for presenting our work remains our own website, which we redesigned last year. For self-promotion, it’s more content-rich and concise than social media formats in our eyes. However, as a supplement to the website, we like to use Facebook and Instagram regularly to post the latest content and photos. Here we not only refer to current projects and events, but also show what inspires us in our work.
What opportunities do you see for the future with regard to the increasing importance of digital media? Do you also see risks?
Thanks to virtual 3D models, we can convey the quality of a project ever more vividly. Realistic renderings are now expected and increasingly complex due to virtual reality. This allows a better idea of the design on the part of the client. On the other hand, this means that we are in a very concrete planning stage at a very early stage. In our view, this restricts creative, playful design. There is also a risk that planning services will be reduced – for example, if the client takes the rendering as the sole yardstick for implementation. As a result, the quality of a project suffers considerably, as the level of detail in the execution is no longer guaranteed. On the other hand, digital tools contribute to ever better networking and information flow in teamwork. The debate about digital media therefore remains exciting, because they will continue to change the way we work.