What meaning does the ubiquitous buzzword “sustainability” have for us personally. We would like to shed light on this together with visitors to Architect@Work in Berlin. On October 19, we will be giving a talk on “Free Space + Inspiration” at the Berlin Edition. Sustainability is substantial for us, because inspirations have a long-lasting effect and stick.
With our presentation we complement the main topic of the supporting program of Architect@Work. Part of the Berlin Edition will be, among other things, the special show “Gesunde.Materialien” (Healthy.Materials) by the materials agency raumprobe as well as further lectures on sustainable topics. With our lecture we deliberately choose the personal perspective, because sustainability can be many things for us – impressions, projects, encounters, transformations, material knowledge and more.
Architect@Work Berlin
Susanne Brandherm and Sabine Krumrey: Curiosity and Enthusiasm
Lecture, October 19, 2022, 4 p.m.
Registration at: https://registration.gesevent.com